I am Emily. After months of consideration during the 2008-2009 school year, my husband and I have decided to wait for kindergarten. Our child is a delightfully bright and articulate boy with a late summer birthday. He will be a preschooler again this year. He will be five years old.
Our family lives a hop, a skip, and a jump outside of NYC. Life in this urban setting is fast-paced, no doubt about it. We have done an excellent job thus far keeping the pace. My husband and I are both involved in our work (he's in finance; I'm a teacher), at our church, in our home life, and with our extended families. We are always juggling to find the time to fit it all in.
As I look at our decision to offer a growing year to our child before beginning the rigors of primary schooling, it seems like a provocation for our family as a whole. Couldn't we all slow down a little? Be a little more intentional about our minds, our health, our hearts?
This is our story of a year spent slowing down.